#Giveaway Fuel The Kids Up for the New School Year with Clif Kid ZBar Protein

When the kids are in school, we as parents want to ensure they have the nutrition they need so they can focus on school and their activities, and not on being hungry. So as a…

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Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Tales

When it comes to our family movie nights, all of my kids like to contribute to the movie selection, by adding some of their favorites into the mix. So when we were sent the new…

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#Giveaway Fun Summer Playsets from Calico Critters

Summer is a time that the kids find to enjoy the outdoors and explore. They like taking the time to spend their days outside, playing and just being kids. And as a parent, I like…

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Ending Our Summer Right with Little Tikes

It’s hard to believe that our summer will be coming to an end soon, and as a parent, I want to be sure that even with those long summer days coming to an end, that…

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School Supplies for the New School Year from Yoobi and Usher

As you might have noticed, I have mentioned a lot about the back to school season. I call it a season, because for the past couple of months and even into the next month or…

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