Premier Protein Bars at Costco

When it comes to finding the energizing snacks that I can add to my daily diet plan, I like to reach for ones that offer a filling choice and one selection that I have enjoyed…

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Helping Our Pets Cope with the Back to School Blues

When it comes to sending the kids off to school in the mornings, I as a parent find myself missing them but I also know that they will be home later in the day. The…

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Head Back to School with LiceLogic

The kids are back in school, and with that comes the new friends, the sharing of laughter and fun, and even the sharing of those pesky bugs, lice. Over the years we have dealt with…

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Save Your Summer Memories with

Our summer has come to an end, and the kids are back in school. For me and my family, we like to capture the memories we made over the summer by taking lots of photos.…

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Decorating with the Roses from Eternal Wooden Roses

In my home, I enjoy having flowers around the house, to help brighten it up. I find that with flowers, they have a way to bring a smile to my face when I see them,…

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