Banish the Winter Blues With These 5 Beach Getaways

It never fails that as winter sets in on the northern part of the globe that the thoughts of many turn to fantasies of warm, tropical beaches. Delightful images of swaying palm trees and the…

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#Giveaway Keep Your Home Connection Safe with Bitdefender BOX

In my home and in many homes, we have devices that are connected to the internet. From our gaming systems, computers, televisions and phones to our kids tablets, baby monitors and security cameras. We find…

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The Devil Wears Prada 10th Anniversary Edition on Blu-Ray

When it comes to finding movies to watch in our home, I like to find both new movies as well as older movies that I have enjoyed in the past. I have found that with…

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Pound Puppies: A Rare Pair on DVD

Family movie time is a time where in my house, we all look forward to sharing some of our favorite movies and shows. For my kids, they get excited for our movie night, so that…

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3 Ways to Create a Fun Nursery

Decorating your nursery and turning it into a fun place to be is a wonderful way to create memories of your first couple years with your baby. Creating a fun place can lift your spirits…

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