Bella Materna Nursing Bra #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby) CLOSED!

I know that through pregnancy, there are many changes to our bodies. In the last trimester, our breasts tend to grow quite a bit along with the rest of our bodies. Wearing a bra that…

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SwaddleDuo #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby) CLOSED!!

When preparing for a new baby, there is a whole lot to consider when making a list. There are so many items you need to make sure you get so that your baby has everything…

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Covillow Nursing Cover w/ Pillow #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby) CLOSED!

Breastfeeding is such a special way to be able to bond with your baby. It is something that only you can do with your baby. There are also other benefits that come with breastfeeding. Like…

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Superyard Colorplay Review (Preparing For Baby)

Toddlers can be so much fun, but when you are out at a game with the older kids or at a party, they can be quite a task to keep up with. You might end…

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Peg Perego Si (Preparing For Baby)

I am a mom that is on the go quite often. Whether it is going to run errands, go shopping or to the park, I always seem to have something to occupy my time with.…

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