Pat The Bunny For New Mom's This Mother's Day (Gifts for Mom: Mother's Day 2012)

One of my all time favorite books that I loved as a little kid and I loved getting for my two kids is Pat The Bunny. My kids have each had their share of loving…

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7 A.M. Enfant Pookie Poncho #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) CLOSED!

When it comes to preparing for a new baby, regardless of the weather, it is always best to prepare yourself for anything when it comes to the new baby. Our new baby will be joining…

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Swaddle Designs: Angry Birds #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) CLOSED!

Those adorable Angry Birds and the pesky pigs have made it to the nursery!! My kids love Angry Birds, so when we were sent a Angry Birds Marquisette Swaddling Blanket and a Angry Birds Short…

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Natural Mat Coco Crib Mattress (Preparing For Baby Guide)

It seems like when you are pregnant that everyday that goes by, you get closer to meeting that new baby. I love it, but at the same time I will miss being pregnant when it…

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Lil Sugarplum Baby Hair Accessories (Preparing For Baby Guide)

I love shopping for a new baby, and I find that shopping for little girls to be so much fun. It seems as though now that I am pregnant, several of my friends are pregnant…

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