#Giveaway #RC Summer Infant Super Seat Deluxe: Island Giggles CLOSED!!

There are so many items on the market to consider when you are preparing for a new baby or when you are shopping for baby. I mean, with Wyatt, every time I go shopping with…

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#Giveaway #RC Lassig Glam Shoulder Diaper Bag CLOSED!

When it comes it diaper bags, well I am a mother who will tell you, one can never have enough. The way I see it, you need diaper bags just like purses, they have to…

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Adorable Animal Hand Puppets From Cate and Levi

With Wyatt in the house and with him growing bigger everyday, we are finding ourselves having more and more fun interacting and playing with him. The kids find that they love to engage Wyatt in…

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#Giveaway #RC #BetOnYourBaby Luvs Super Absorbent Jumbo Pack CLOSED!

Have you heard of Bet On Your Baby that comes on ABC on Saturdays? Well if you have not, it comes on at 8/7c and they are partnering up with Luvs! You may be asking…

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#Giveaway #RC #AD New Mom Prize Pack (Gifts For Mom) CLOSED!!

As a mom, I know how special Mothers Day is to me, and I know how special my first Mothers Day was. I can remember when Estrella was just a few months old, and I…

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