Dove Deodorant Review and Giveaway Closed!!
When it comes to deodorants, Dove is my first choice. I have been using Dove deodorants since I was in high school, so you can say that I love Dove!! So when given the chance…
View PostWhen it comes to deodorants, Dove is my first choice. I have been using Dove deodorants since I was in high school, so you can say that I love Dove!! So when given the chance…
View PostI know that when it comes to flushing the toilet in our house, there tends to be quite a bit of it. Especially when we have a 2 year old, who has been potty training…
View PostEveryone loves to receive flowers, especially on their birthday. There is nothing like that special smile you cant help but get on your face when you see a beautiful bouquet of flowers that are given…
View PostThis week has been a yucky one for our house. My daughter and my husband and I have all had a nasty little cold. The funny and good thing about it is, my son, the…
View PostWhen you have kids, whether they are big or little. In order to keep from getting things mixed up or from loosing things, the best way to keep up with all their items is to…
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