Chili's Triple Dipper Appetizers Review + Gift Card Giveaway CLOSED!!

We love to eat out and it seems that when we go eat we all have a different appetizer that we want. They all sound good and we seem to order way more than we…

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Burn Notice & White Collar DVD Giveaway for Fathers Day CLOSED!!

The Summer Is Heating Up With Television’s Hottest Secret Agents WHITE COLLAR SEASON 2 & BURN NOTICE SEASON 4 Arrive on DVD June 7 Don’t miss your chance to own two of the sexiest, action-packed…

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Baby Bedding Zone #Giveaway Closed!!!

I love decorating!! I love adding to my kids rooms or even changing them up all together! We went completely pink in my daughters room. I painted her walls pink and the trim purple. Then…

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LoveMode Review & Giveaway Closed!!

I know that when shopping for a teenage girl it can get pricey. With all of the styles and trends, it seems like you are shopping every other day just to keep up. When you…

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Bengay Cold Therapy Giveaway & Coupon CLOSED!!

When my husband winds down after working hard, his muscles can get really sore. He loves to use pain relief creams such as Bengay to help relieve the pain. We were given some of the…

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