#win 1-800 Flowers Americana Bouquet Giveaway CLOSED!!

The Fourth of July is just around the corner and with that comes all of the beautiful patriotic decor. From the flags flying outside of homes to the fireworks display that can be seen all…

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Filtrete Water Station Review & Giveaway CLOSED!!

I dont know about you, but I am very guilty. I am guilty of drinking bottled water. I am hooked on the stuff. Yes I do know that those plastic water bottles are not any…

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Word Whiz Electronic Flash Card Giveaway CLOSED!!

Summer is here and I have said before and I will say it again. It is our job as parents, to make sure that our kids continue to learn even though its summer. I am…

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Carolina Pad Review & Giveaway CLOSED!!

Chloe I love Carolina Pad products and I also love animals. Well Carolina Pad is all for giving back and supporting non profit organizations and this time they have teamed up with one of my…

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Giveaway CLOSED!!

Kick off the Summer and win a DVD copy of DIARY OF a WIMPY KID: RODRICK RULES Available on Blu-ray and DVD on June 21st Greg Heffley is about to discover that there is something…

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