Fiber One 80 Calorie Prize Pack #Giveaway #MyBlogSpark CLOSED!!

These days it seems as though now a days you are always hearing about how important your fiber intake is. The thing is sometimes the way we get that daily fiber is not all that…

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Seneca Farms Oatmeal & Fruit #Giveaway Closed!!

I love oatmeal in the mornings, but sometimes I dont seem to have time to wait for the water to boil in the kettle, so I end up grabbing something else while on the go.…

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Back to School: Safety 1st Booster #Giveaway CLOSED!!

Whether you are preparing for the new school year or for those end of the summer vacations, we need to make sure that when in the car with our kids, everyone is safely restrained in…

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Back To School: Acer Aspire Netbook #Giveaway Closed!!

When preparing our kids for school these days, there is so much involved. From the lists that seem to grow every year, to the electronics that are needed in order for our kids to succeed…

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Back to School: #Giveaway Closed!!

Before you know it, we will all be back to the school time schedules. These schedules vary for all of us, but for the majority of us it includes the routine of either packing lunches…

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