Bella Materna Nursing Bra #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby) CLOSED!

I know that through pregnancy, there are many changes to our bodies. In the last trimester, our breasts tend to grow quite a bit along with the rest of our bodies. Wearing a bra that…

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SwaddleDuo #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby) CLOSED!!

When preparing for a new baby, there is a whole lot to consider when making a list. There are so many items you need to make sure you get so that your baby has everything…

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Covillow Nursing Cover w/ Pillow #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby) CLOSED!

Breastfeeding is such a special way to be able to bond with your baby. It is something that only you can do with your baby. There are also other benefits that come with breastfeeding. Like…

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Celebrate Halloween With Hershey's #Giveaway CLOSED!!

Nothing says Halloween like candy! One of my favorite candies in the whole world is Kit Kat! I have had a love for Kit Kat’s since I was little. Every year since I could remember…

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$25 Walmart Gift Card + Star Wars Cereal #Giveaway CLOSED!!

When I was little my dad was a huge Star Wars fan, and I had watched Star Wars too many times to count when I was younger. Then when the new movies came out starting…

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