Mohawk Rug #Giveaway (2011 Holiday Gift Guide) CLOSED!

In my home, my carpets are dreadful, so I had bought some rugs to cover them when we moved in. We have been here for about three years now, and the carpets were not that…

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Jiffy Lube #Giveaway (2011 Holiday Gift Guide) CLOSED!

We are coming up on the cold weather season, and there are so many preparations that have to be made. Just in the house alone, we change out our air filters, we light the pilots…

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GlamourMom #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby) CLOSED!

I know that when preparing for baby, there are so many things that need to be considered when shopping. I have always nursed my babies and I will continue to do so in the future.…

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PlasmaCar #Giveaway (2011 Holiday Gift Guide) CLOSED!!

I love holiday shopping!! It seems that this past week, I have been coming across some really great adds online for some really great products. Seeing the deals and all of the great products just…

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Moxie Girls Horse Riding Club #Giveaway (2011 Holiday Gift Guide) CLOSED!

My daughter loves horses, and she also loves the Moxie Girlz. She has quite a collection of Moxie Girlz and one items that she seems to have her eyes on is the Moxie Girlz Horse…

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