#Giveaway Valentines Day Warm Traditions #RC CLOSED!

I love Valentines Day, and with that big day just around the corner, I have been on the prowl for great gifts to give my loved ones this year. I think that one thing that…

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Purex Baby Detergent #Giveaway #PurexBaby #RC CLOSED!

I have learned from my older two kids that when they are babies, their skin can be very sensitive. So when I was making preparations for Wyatt’s arrival, I knew that I needed to stock…

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Fathead #Giveaway #RC CLOSED!

My Robert is a huge Star Wars fanatic. Sure, he may only be 4 years old, but he knows more about the Star Wars movies than I do, and over the past year, he has…

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Hershey's Valentines #Giveaway CLOSED!

Valentines Day is not that far away, and it is that time of year to make an excuse to eat lots of chocolate, or at least that is how I view it! I love the…

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#Giveaway @HRBlock $100 AMEX Gift Card #DreamFund from H&R Block At Home CLOSED!

It is that time of year again, the holidays are over and it is time to get your taxes in order so that you can get to filling! There are many ways to go when…

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