Home » California Wine Club (Holiday Guide 2012)

California Wine Club (Holiday Guide 2012)

With Christmas just around the corner, the rush to get those gifts is on. For me and my husband, we have family all over, and with my husband having 8 siblings, getting gifts can be a chore. Luckily, most of his siblings and my own sister all love wine, so when we do our shopping for them, sending them some wine is the way to go. I think one thing better than sending them wine that we buy here in Texas is getting them a membership to the California Wine Club, where they can get award winning wine delivered to their door each month! I love that when we order from the California Wine Club, we can choose what package we want to go with. Like for those who enjoy hand-crafted wine, we can choose to go with the Premier Club, or for those who like to collect wine or consider themselves a connoisseur of wine, we can go with the Signature Series! I found that the International Selections is one that would be great for those on our list who enjoy wines from around the world, where the recipient can go on a wine adventure each month when they get their shipment of wines and enjoy wines that were picked from around the world from those “moms and pops” wineries! Then for those with a more refined taste and a love for a good Cabernet, we can choose to go with the Aged Cabernet Series, where the recipient of this wine selection can enjoy Napa Valley’s most prestigious Cabernet’s which are aged from 8-12 years!! I have been sent two packages of the Premier Club series, which in each shipment I got two award winning wines that were handcrafted by California’s best artisan wineries. I also love that with the wines, I was able to enjoy recipes and a magazine where you can learn the story behind the wines that you get! In all, I have found the California Wine Club to be a great choice when shopping for holiday gifts this year, and when you are doing your shopping and looking for a great gift to give the wine lover on your list this year, then get them a membership from the California Wine Club where the packages start at $49.95!!!

This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own. I received a 2 month Membership to the California Wine Club for the purpose of this review.


  1. Jessica B.
    December 8, 2012 / 11:21 pm

    I love that you can personalize your monthly choices. jj250@aol.com

  2. Laura Lane
    January 14, 2013 / 2:35 am

    I imagine wine drinkers might like this.

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