Home » Bringing the Family Together with Hub Network's #FamilyGameNight

Bringing the Family Together with Hub Network's #FamilyGameNight

This post is sponsored by Hub Network. I will be traveling along with my family to attend a live taping of Family Game Night in exchange for my reviews on the experience, all opinions are my own.

As a parent, I like to find things that can be enjoyed by the entire family. One thing that I look for is finding shows that we can enjoy watching together during our family movie nights. A show that we enjoy watching as a family is Family Game Night on the Hub Network.

We have found many shows on the Hub Network that are fun for the entire family to watch, and with the show, Family Game Night, I have found a game show that we can all watch and enjoy together, adding Family Game Night to our list of shows to record and watch together.

I like that when the families go on and play, they participate in games that are we are familiar with, bringing them to a new level with live action play!

As the contestants go up on the show to play, they are challenged to play those fun classic games that we not only play with the kids on our own family game nights, but that are games we are familiar with from our own childhoods! The games include the fun family game of Life, Operation, Sorry and much more!

Well to my surprise, myself and my family, have been invited to attend a live taping of that hit family game show on the Hub Network, Family Game Night! We will be heading to L.A soon, to be a part of the live studio audience, and not only watch the show live, but also have the chance to meet Todd Newton, the host of Family Game Night!

When I found out that we were going to be on the show, I knew that my daughter, Estrella, would be just as excited as I was, and I was right. The day I got the email, and I announced to the family, Estrella became overwhelmed with excitement. She actually cried she was so excited, that not only will she get to meet Todd Newton, but she will also get to be in the studio audience, as we watch a live taping in progress!!

So stay tuned, as I post our experience, along with a interview with Todd Newton in the near future!

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  1. Ronda Ogilvie
    June 12, 2014 / 1:11 pm

    I hope you guys have a great time! How exciting!!

  2. Mommy Katie
    June 20, 2014 / 2:42 am

    it was fun!!! so much fun and Estrella cant wait to go again!

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