Home » Bring Imaginations to Life with the Cinema Box from Moulin Roty

Bring Imaginations to Life with the Cinema Box from Moulin Roty

When it comes to our family movie nights and game nights, we like to find new movies and games, and ways to keep the fun going. Aside from looking for the movies and games that are out there, my kids enjoy creating their own plays to put on for myself and my husband. With the times that my kids put on a show, whether it be a show they act in or one they put on with puppets, they find the fun in narrating and we have fun in watching as their imaginations soar. So as a mom, I seek out products, ones that will help encourage those fun imagination of theirs, and let them explore together and have fun. Recently, we were sent such a product when we were sent the Cinema Box from Magicforest to review.

With this fun kit, the kids can open up our living room into a theater created out of their imaginations, where they can not only hand out the tickets, ads for their production, and usher us to our seats, but when the show goes live, they can narrate it as their show is projected from the Mini View-Master. The flicks they can choose from as a platform for the performances include a pirate adventure, a cowboy western and more! Giving the kids plenty to run with, and endless movies they can produce, and use their imaginations producing, changing the way we do our family movie nights! In all, making the Cinema Box a great product to have in any home with kids, to not only get the kids to let their imaginations run wild with, but also a fun way to change your family movie nights as well! You can find the Cinema Box today to bring home for your kids when you head on over to the Tantrum site!

Also be sure to follow Magicforest on Facebook and Twitter!

Product received, thank you to Magicforest LTD as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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