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Brain Strong Review

From pregnancy to adulthood, our brains need to be nourished. DHA is a supplement that we have heard about. Something that infants get from mothers milk and what infant formula is now fortified with. But other than infancy, most do not hear about the need for DHA for further development. The fact is, our brains are constantly growing, and they need to be fed. True, we do feed our minds with knowledge but our brains are also hungry for DHA. I was sent some really great supplements that can be used for the whole family. The line of supplements is called Brain Strong. Currently, in the USA, the only other form of DHA that you will find is found in infant formula. But Brain Strong provides this needed supplement in forms that you can give to the whole family. I received the Brain Strong for Prenatal, Toddler, and Kids. I have been able to find the Brain Strong products at my local Walgreens in the Pharmacy section!! So head out today and get some Brain Strong for everyone in your family, and help feed those brains!!!!!



DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, is a long-chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid.

While many food products claim to be good sources of omega-3s, not all omega-3s are created equal. There are three major omega-3s: ALA, EPA, and DHA, each with distinct health benefits:

  • ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is a source of energy but there are no known independent benefits of ALA on brain or eye development and function.
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) has been shown to support heart health.
  • DHA benefits brain, eye, and heart health throughout life. Numerous studies confirm that everyone, from infants to adults, benefits from an adequate supply of DHA.


DHA is one of the good fats found throughout the body. It’s a structural fat that goes straight to the tissues such as those in the brain, to keep them functioning to the best of their ability. Just as calcium is essential for building strong bones, DHA ensures that the cells in the brain, retina, heart and other parts of the nervous system develop and function properly from infancy through adulthood.

DHA accounts for up to 97% of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain and 93% of the omega-3 fatty acids in the retina. It also plays a key role in the anti-inflammatory process, is a key component of the heart and is naturally found in breast milk.


DHA is like brain nutrition, and the brain and eyes have significant requirements for preformed DHA.

The body continually turns over DHA throughout the lifecycle and it is important to replenish the stores of DHA in our bodies. While the body can convert DHA from its precursor fatty acids, this process is inefficient and varies from person to person.

Since our bodies don’t produce the DHA we need, we need to consume it through food, beverages or supplements.

Years ago, the average American diet included a lot more DHA, but these days — given our consumption of highly processed foods, and of farmed fish (which do not contain the same levels of DHA like ocean fish do), along with the growing number of vegetarians — most people need to supplement their diets with DHA.


  • Fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel and trout. (Most people believe that fish produce their own DHA, but it’s actually the algae fish eat that make them a rich source of DHA.)
  • DHA-enriched products: life’sDHA™, a natural plant source of DHA, is currently used to enrich hundreds of foods, beverages and dietary supplements.
  • For a complete list of products containing life’sDHA™, visit www.lifesdha.com.

BrainStrong Prenatal is the only complete over-the-counter prenatal multivitamin with 350 mg of DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid and natural brain nutrient to support the development of a baby’s brain.* BrainStrong Prenatal containslife’sDHA™, the premium DHA, plus 100% of the recommended daily dose of folic acid for fetal health and development.

BrainStrong Toddler (for ages 1 to 3), is the first toddler brain health supplement in a powder form that contains 100 mg of life’sDHA™, the safe and natural DHA omega-3 brand found in 99% of all infant formula sold in the U.S. As a powder, it can easily be mixed in with certain foods, and helps meet a toddler’s continuous need for DHA during this intense period of growth and development.

BrainStrong Kids (for ages 4-12), is the first DHA-plus-multivitamin in a great tasting citrus-flavored gummy that helps support your child’s brain health.* Just one BrainStrong Kids gummy contains 100 mg of life’sDHA™, the same safe, natural, premium brand found in 99% of all infant formula sold in the U.S. BrainStrong Kids contains more DHA than any other over-the-counter kids supplement or vitamin.



  1. Anonymous
    April 7, 2012 / 3:00 pm

    I just noticed it online at Costco

  2. Laura Lane
    November 3, 2012 / 10:01 pm

    It sounds good.

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