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The Bounce Dryer Bar

Like many other moms out there, I am a mom who seems to have a laundry basket that someone always seems to add miracle grow to. It is as though every time I turn around, there is more laundry. I can truly believe I have finished laundry for the day, to return to the exact same laundry hamper and find it growing, right before my eyes. Someone always has something that needs to be washed or gets something dirty. Because of all of the laundry I tend to do, I seem to go through dryer sheets like they are going out of style. Well, I was sent a Bounce Dryer Bar to review. This bar has made things much easier for me. I am not having to add dryer sheets to my laundry. Or, when I forget to add a sheet, I dont go to fold laundry, to find all of my laundry sticking to itself and all full of static. It also leaves my laundry smelling fresh!! All I have to do is put the bar in place, then go back to my never ending task of laundry! Then after a couple of months, I can easily replace the bar with a new one!

1 Comment

  1. Laura Lane
    November 4, 2012 / 12:19 pm

    This is appealing.

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