I am the mommy of a little girl with allergies and a little boy who seems to always have a runny nose, so when I heard about these Boogie Wipes, I just had to try these on my kids. I was given, courtesy of the wonderful people of Boogie Wipes, some of their products to sample. Well this week we are at the hospital in the Pediatric wing, the perfect place to really try these products not just on my kids but on others around the ward. Along with my own sample pack to try I was given many single samples as well. So I went around and talked to other parents and handed these out. There were some parents who had heard about these amazing Boogie Wipes and love them. Then the ones who hadnt were very eager to try the Boogie Wipes on their own kids. I tell you this has been one fun event. Something to cheer parents and kids up and take their minds off of being in the hospital. I had many kids tell me that they love the smell and they also love how it soothes their little noses, especially the ones who are constantly having to use the rough hospital tissues. The word got out and I had nurses asking for samples to take home and try on their own kids. I wish I had more samples to give out! But I did tell everyone where they can buy them locally and I also gave them the website info if they would prefer to buy online. I had many of the children and the parents suggest that Boogie Wipes be available in the pediatric wing, since they are 100% better in so many ways, than the hospitals tissue. Well when I gave my daughter one earlier to wipe her nose with she said this was the best booger wiper she has ever used, lol!! So there you go, after testing this amazing product not only on my own kids but on others the vote was unanimous, Boogie Wipes are number one up here in the Pediatrics unit as well as at my own home!!!!!! This doesnt end here, I have great news. You know those amazing people at Boogie Wipes are offering one of my readers a chance to win 2 30 count packs of their own! I am still not done, the people at Boogie Wipes have a amazing offer on their site as well. They have a promotion on their site featuring their friend Boogs. If you would like to get a Boogs doll for your kids just go to http://www.boogiewipes.com/ print out the form and fill it out then send in 3 UPC’s.
One reader will be given 2 packs of 30 count Boogie Wipes! Mandatory entry, you need to become a fan of Boogie Wipes on Facebook.
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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will be open until midnight on October 10,2010. The winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 72 hours before another winner will be chosen.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, I'm following you back!Happy Tuesday!-Andrea
Thanks for the shout out.
Thanks for the follow! I'm following back!!:)Rachel
I'm following you thanks to FMBT!http://spoonsspadesandstitches.blogspot.com
Thanks for stoppin' by for a Latte'. I am happy to return the follow and it looks like I'll get entered in you contest as well (Bonus!)
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I love Boogie Wipes! Huge fan here.
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