Home » Back to School with Colgate Total Daily Repair

Back to School with Colgate Total Daily Repair

With all of the things we like to get done for the back to school season, we also like to ensure that our kids head back to school with healthy smiles. We do this by setting up those cleanings before school starts, then by also having products in the home for our older kids, and that we can all use to keep our smiles clean and healthy. Recently we were sent such a selection of products that will be perfect for those back to school smiles when we were sent the Colgate Total Daily Repair.

With the Colgate Total Daily Repair toothpaste, we can get a toothpaste that contains a multi-active formula, which helps to not only clean the teeth but also helps to repair any early teeth and gum damage. Then with the toothbrush we were sent, I like the Floss Tip Bristles, which can help with ensure we get our teeth clean, even between the teeth. In all, making the Colgate Total Daily Repair a great product to have on hand and also add to those back to school shopping lists when preparing for a new school year!

Product received, thank you to Colgate as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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1 Comment

  1. Fiddlin' Dandi
    August 10, 2015 / 11:10 am

    I use Colgate a lot, but I haven't tried this particular kind yet.

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