Just in time for Spring Break…Toys "R" Us Limited Time Special on Chatman

This bright yellow, interactive emoticon-like character is a child’s talking, feeling, moving computer friend for everything they do online.  Chatman (www.mychatman.com) provides fun, social skills, homework help, and safety.  In essence, Chatman offers a unique,…

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Fat Brain Toys #Giveaway CLOSED!

My son loves blocks, he loves building things with his blocks, from cities to individual structures. Recently I was sent some blocks that are not your average blocks. These are blocks that are huge and…

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The Adventures of Tintin on DVD

The Adventures of Tintin is one of those movies that my son adores. The detective team duo are brought to life in this animated movie. Tintin and his dog Snowy find themselves in the middle…

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The Muppets on Blu-Ray and DVD!!!

The very anticipated The Muppets movie is now available on Blu-Ray and DVD!!! This is a movie that I was very excited to watch and share with my kids. We were sent a Blu-Ray Combo…

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NoJo is hosting a chat on Facebook, March 27th 3pm

Exciting News from NoJo: NoJo is hosting a Facebook Chat on March 27th at 3pm est.  The topic is Designing Your Nursery: Getting Started.  Our guests will be Melisa Fluhr and Pam Ginocchio from Project Nursery.…

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