#TropFloridaOJ Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice: Ways to Bring the Farm to your Table

When it comes to eating healthy, I find that bringing products that come fresh from the farm to your families table to be the best way to go. When it comes to finding the freshest…

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Adpropo.com Fun & Games With Brands

In the evenings, when dinner is over and the kids are getting ready to head to bed, I take advantage of that time to participate in online games and such. The thing is, I find…

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Quitting Smoking

It has been a few years, but before I got pregnant with my son, I was a regular smoker. I smoked a pack a day, which now I look back at it and wonder how…

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Mohawk Rug #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012) CLOSED!

I love to decorate our home, from the walls to the carpets. I also know that when it comes to a woman and their home, that most women feel the same as I do. I…

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Raise Money for Tierra Fundraising | YouCaring

I dont do this much, but when it hits home I will try to help. I am from a very small, tight knit community in New Mexico. When something happens to a local, everyone, even…

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