Lil Sugarplum Baby Hair Accessories (Preparing For Baby Guide)

I love shopping for a new baby, and I find that shopping for little girls to be so much fun. It seems as though now that I am pregnant, several of my friends are pregnant…

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Wordless Wednesday…

Apparently I have a uncooperative baby…. I went to Stork Vision to get a 2D Ultrasound done on Saturday to get the sex of the baby…I loved the experience there, the staff was so welcoming…

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Zoobies Blankie Babies #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) CLOSED!

I love finding great products to use for the new baby. Over the holidays my daughter got this adorable stuffed animal blanket pet that I found to be just adorable. She got Zulu the Zebra…

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Bratz Funk and Glow Dolls #Giveaway (Top Toys For Spring) CLOSED!

The Bratz are back and have a whole new fashion that they are hitting the runway with. The new Bratz dolls have these awesome dresses that light up, but they dont just light up. The…

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#CloroxLounge The Clorox Lounge and the Last Comic Sitting and a Frugal Folly

As a mom I try to find the best ways to save money in any way I can. I think that saving money on products I buy for my kids is great so that I…

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