Transformers Prime: One Shall Stand on DVD July 31!!

Robert is a huge Transformers fan, so when we were given the chance to review the new Transformers Prime: One Shall Stand from Shout Factory and Hasbro, he was very excited to watch it!! This…

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Petmate Feeders for Your Cat

In my home we have my husband and I, the kids, my sister in law, then there are our four legged babies as well, which include two dogs and two cats. One of the cats…

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Britax Stroller Organizer #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide)

Like most moms and families for that matter, we are on the go a lot. I am getting excited, along with the kids, to greet the new school year and enroll the kids in their…

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American Reunion on DVD and Blu-Ray

That cast of the awkward but familiar friends are back and ready to update us on their crazy lives. I can remember when American Pie first came out and we all gasped and laughed at…

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Evenflo SimplyGo Single Electric Breast Pump (Preparing For Baby Guide)

When preparing for baby, there are so many items to get, in order to be prepared. I like to have everything ready ahead of time, because I learned from my pregnancy with Robert, that unexpected…

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