Peppa Pig Toys and Muddy Puddles DVD

Like many other homes, ours is filled with the voices of that adorable little British piggy and her family when it comes on Nick Jr in the mornings! My kids love Peppa and her family,…

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Pasta Fits #Giveaway Pack CLOSED!

I know that with school nights, getting the homework done, taking and picking up kids from practice and after school activities, we as parents can find ourselves at a loss when it comes to that…

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JewelryCandle #Giveaway CLOSED!

I am one that loves a great smelling candle. I love to have my house filled with the smell of fresh baked goods and amazing Fall scents, so you can imagine with the Fall here,…

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Striving To Live Up To My Own Expectations #CloroxLounge

When we are kids, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up, and the answers that we come up with can be simple ones but when the reality kicks in as…

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Peter Pan on Blu-Ray

Join mischievous Peter Pan, the young boy who refuses to grow up, his hot-tempered pixie pal, Tinker Bell and the Darling children as they soar away to the mysterious Never-Never land where childhood lasts forever…

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