Dali Wall Decals #Giveaway CLOSED!

Since we have now started off our new year in a new house, I felt that it was time to make this new home really feel like home. In our old house, we individualized our…

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InGenuity’s Messiest Baby Moment Contest!!

“InGenuity’s Messiest Baby Moment” Contestis open now through InGenuity on Facebook until January 10th. To enter InGenuity’s Messiest Baby Moment Contest, visit InGenuity on Facebook, upload a photo of your baby or toddler in a…

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Look Great in 2013 with P&G Beauty Products!!

Being the mother of 3, I try to keep looking my best. It is not always easy to keep up with the latest beauty trends, but I find that when I use the beauty products…

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Zimmiz for the iPod Touch

Like many other kids out there this year, my daughter got an iPod Touch for Christmas. My daughter has wanted an iPod Touch for some time, and we decided that after she was able to…

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Add SUPERPRETZELS to Your Super Bowl Party!

We love hosting get-togethers at our house and one that we really look forward to hosting each year is the Super Bowl. This year we have compiled a menu that is sure to satisfy our…

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