The Spring Cleaning bug is in the air, and with that comes all of the going through closets, pulling out the warmer weather clothes, and putting away all of the Winter items. For me, that…
View PostThe Spring Cleaning bug is in the air, and with that comes all of the going through closets, pulling out the warmer weather clothes, and putting away all of the Winter items. For me, that…
View PostIt is that time of year again, that time to get your papers and documents in order and file your taxes. Tax time can be a stressful time for some. You have the worries, hoping…
View PostWith little Wyatt here and growing fast, I know that before I know it, I will be needing to go around my house and baby proof once again. With us having stairs to get into…
View PostIn my home, we love soda. I know that not only can soda be a little pricey, but it is also not healthy for us to drink. My kids know that if they have a…
View PostI can not believe how fast time flies by. This weekend we celebrated my daughter’s 9th birthday. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was bringing her home from the hospital and enjoying…
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