#Giveaway #Free #Win Twister Rave Ringz and Skip-It CLOSED!

I remember as a child, looking forward to those family game nights and one of the games that my sister and I loved to play was Twister. I loved bringing out the Twister with the…

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Decorate Your Eggs This Easter with PAAS and Heinz!

Easter is just a couple of weeks away and it is that time of year where we gather around the table and dye our eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide for the kids. My…

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#Giveaway #RC Barbie in the Pink Shoes Prize Pack CLOSED!

                                                 Just in time for Easter, Barbie is back and in a…

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Taking Advantage of the Spring Weather with Monkey Mat

I have realized that after being indoors for the majority of the Winter, I find myself excited about warm days. Days that I can take the kids out to the park and spend the day…

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Preparing for the Journey #NSNation #spon

Like many other women out there, I struggle with my weight. I have gone on many diets over the years and I have lost and gained weight then lost and gained some more. I have…

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