#ad #NetflixKids Netflix For The Entire Family!

All thoughts and opinions are my own, I am so thrilled to have this opportunity to share my experience as part of this sponsored campaign from Netflix. In my house, we have one night set…

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#Giveaway #AD #RC Top Toys From K'NEX CLOSED!

My kids love to build and create, which I am sure is true about most kids. I can remember growing up, getting out the Lincoln Logs and building towns and enjoying hours of fun with…

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CAT Construction Vehicles & Road Rippers from Toy State

When it comes to toys in my house, you can guess that we have quite a collection. From Estrella and all of her girl toys and dolls to Wyatt and all of his baby toys,…

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Give Dad The T3 Tactical Auto Rescue Tool (Fathers Day Guide)

With Fathers Day coming up, it is time to find dad that perfect gift. For my husband, finding that perfect gift can be a task, but I know that when I look into it and…

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#NSNation #Sponsored #Nutrisystem Week 8: Too Busy To Diet You Say?

When we decide to go on a diet, we tend to come up with excuses, it is not the right time, I dont have the money, I dont know if I will be able to…

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