Natural Organic Feminine Hygiene Products from Natracare

As a mom, I find that I am always on the look out for products, that offer better alternatives, ones that are natural and organic options for my family. But as a woman, I tend…

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#Giveaway Keep your Home Allergen Free with Crane

Being in the Texas Panhandle, we get a lot of wind, and with that wind comes those allergens that get swept up into the air. This issue can cause problems, especially with people who suffer…

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Get Energized with Grab the Gold Snack Bars this New School Year

As a mom, I find that there is never enough time in the day, nor do I have the energy I once had. It seems as though the kids are always wanting to keep going,…

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Baby Shower Gifts from Baby Depot at Burlington

I think that when it comes to baby, shopping for baby is one of my favorite things to do. I mean, with a new baby, there are all of these new products you get, so…

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Get Fresh Bottled Water without the Bottles with a NewAir WCD-100W Water Dispenser

Over the past year, one thing that I have made a change in, that was actually a lot easier for me than I had thought was, giving up the diet sodas and drinking more water.…

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