#Giveaway #MammaChiaMagic Fueling the Family for the New School Year with Mamma Chia

This week was the big week, the first week back to school for our kids, meaning the week we get back into the routines, back to getting up extra early to ensure everyone gets ready…

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Finding a Easy way to get to a Better You with Shake the Crave

As a mother to 3, I find that trying to stick to diets can be hard. With all of the on the go eating, and unhealthy snacking, I always find myself coming up with excuses.…

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Cloth Diapering Made Easy, Even for a Rookie with TidyTots

As parents prepare for a new baby, they come across many decisions that they must make before baby even gets here. Like whether to breastfeed, bottle feed, or do both, then the decision on whether…

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Spark Daily Nutrition Supplement for Your Pets

Just like our kids, in our house, our pets and their health is important to us as well. So finding foods, treats and supplements, that can help support their health, is something I do look…

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Living Well with Well Beginnings Products for Baby from Walgreens

With a baby, I see everything as being a new beginning, from those first coos that come from baby, to those first steps they take, and everything in between and there after. As we celebrate…

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