Hide Away Pets from Jay at Play

As I look for gifts to give Wyatt on his 2nd birthday, which is just a few days away, I look at products that will grab his attention, and that he will enjoy having and…

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Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon on DVD

One of my favorite cartoon duo’s that I enjoyed watching as a kid was Tom and Jerry, so not only being able to share those cartoons but also the original Tom and Jerry movies with…

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LEGO Friends: Friends Are Forever on DVD

Finding great movies and shows to share with the kids for our family movie nights is something I aim for, and when we find movies that have their favorite characters or even toys on them,…

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"Folr" is Launched to Help Watch over your Loved Ones #Free

As a parent, I want to feel assured that my kids are safe, and that I know where they are at, when they are with friends and not at home. This is something that I…

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#Giveaway #DDDivas #sponsored Relearning How to do the Dishes with a Cascade Platinum Party #cascadeshiningreviews

The new school year is here, and like many homes out there, we have the foods that we prepare, and finding that with the new school year, there is less time on our hands to…

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