Interactive Baby Blankets from Merdy

Babies are such a joy, a joy to take care of and a joy to prepare for as well. As we prepare for a new member to join our family, I find myself in search…

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#Giveaway Getting Picky Eaters to Eat their Vegetables w/ Animeals

School is back in session, and those, what to do for dinner, moments are once again a reality in my house. I find that it would be so much easier to figure out what to…

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Ingenuity ConvertMe Swing-2-Seat in Seneca

With a new baby, as a parent, we want to ensure that baby is happy and comfortable, so as a parent, we like to have the products on hand that will help us when it…

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Steps to Take When You’ve Had an Accident on the Road (Guest Post)

A road accident can be a harrowing experience, especially if you have no idea what to do when it happens. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 2.24 million road…

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Keeping a Close Eye on Baby with the Philips AVENT DECT Audio Baby Monitor

With a new baby, they say, that when baby is asleep, that is when mom should try to sleep as well. The thing is, with a new baby, there are many concerns that might go…

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