#Giveaway Creative Fun Gifts from PomTree

The holiday shopping season is upon us, and with that comes the gifts to get that will make for a perfect present for those on your lists. In my family, my kids find a lot…

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The Complete Series Pee-Wee's Playhouse on DVD

When I was a kid, I can remember getting up on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons along with some of my favorite shows. One such show that I enjoyed watching was Pee-Wee’s Playhouse. From the…

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Keep Them Lice Free this Season with Licefree Spray

With having kids in school and a daughter who loves having her friends sleep over, and who are always doing one anothers hair, I find that being prepared for those pesky lice is a must.…

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Beethoven's Treasure Tail on Blu-Ray and DVD

In my house, we enjoy our family movie nights, and with this, finding new movies to add to our collection. Recently we were sent a new, fun, and adventure filled movie when we were sent,…

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Plan your Holiday Travel with the 2015 Chevrolet Suburban

With the holiday shopping making its way back into peoples minds, and those holiday plans being made, it is the perfect time to get what is needed in order to make the holiday travel go…

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