Hand Knitted Baby Rattles from Estella + #Giveaway

As we look for those items to put under the tree this holiday season, I like to make sure that everyone is covered. So when it comes to making sure baby has gifts under the…

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The Crashlings Making a Crash Landing for the Holidays!

The holiday shopping season is here, and like many out there, I like to know which toys will be a hit this season. Well as it gets closer and closer to the biggest shopping days…

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#Giveaway Celebrate the Holidays with Aurora US & Canada

I have found that each year, when it comes to the gifts under the tree, we like to put cuddly stuffed animals out for our kids. The kids look forward to getting these stuffed animals…

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#Giveaway Travel Spill Free this Holiday Season with the Wow Cup

With the holiday plans along with the holiday travel plans being made, it is time to prepare for the travel ahead of time. For me, that means getting the suitcases out, finding those movies, travel…

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#TheAmazingZhus Giving the Gift of Magic with the Amazing Zhus

With the holiday shopping season upon us, I find that searching for those must have toys, is something that I should get a head start on. Like many other kids out there, my kids tend…

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