Staying Connected & Finding Entertainment While on the Road with Pilot Flying J Travel Centers

When traveling for the holidays with the family, roadside stops that provide gas and restrooms, but also have many amenities available to accommodate families are a necessity. Adding family friendly stops like Pilot and Travel…

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Celebrate the Holidays with Playmobil

The holidays are coming and for my house, we are on the lookout for those must have toys of the year! When it comes to my eldest son, over the past couple of years, he…

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#EtsyLove Wrapping Baby in Love with Receiving Blankets from Baby Munchkin Boutique

When you have a baby in the home, you want to ensure that baby is comfortable, and with the colder weather upon us, you always want to ensure that baby is warm. Well to help…

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Quinceaneras Mark A Young Woman's Rite of Passage (Guest Post) Offers Memorable Quinceaneras Gowns In the Western hemisphere, there is nothing that compares to the Hispanic culture’s tradition of honoring the rite of passage of a young girl from childhood to womanhood. Called the…

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How to Make a Complaint and Get a Result (Guest Post)

We’ve all experienced the disappointment of making a purchase or receiving a service that isn’t up to scratch, and while in many cases it isn’t worth making a complaint, there are other times when you…

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