Organic Baby Foods from Beech Nut

When it comes to feeding baby, we want to ensure that they are getting the best foods out there, and as a mom, I know that the best means foods that are pure and that…

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Bring the Kids in the Kitchen with the Curious Chef 6-Piece Fruit & Veggie Prep Kit

Summertime is a time where the kids are out of school and home for the break. Now for us, our summer break has just started, and like many, we enjoy finding ways to enjoy our…

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#Giveaway Gearing Up for Summer Fun with Brain Chase (ARV $199)

The summer break has begun for my kids, and is just around the corner for others. So with that in mind, I have found that ensuring the kids stay busy with the summer vacations, camps…

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Making Travel with the Kids a Little Less Messy and More Organized with Diono

The summer vacation has officially started for my kids, and for my family that means it is time to pack everything up and make our big move to the beautiful state of Washington! This also…

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#Giveaway Crisp Clear Music for Dad with the Kicker Vapor

Fathers Day is just around the corner, and that means it is time to find dad the gifts he will love and gifts that will be of use for him. In my family, we have…

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