Back to School Snacks with Nature’s Path Organic

It is hard to believe that our summers are coming to an end and those back to school routines will soon be put back into play. In my house when it comes to those back…

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#Giveaway Healthy Back to School Meals with the Philips Air Fryer

With back to school on the minds of many out there, I find that there is a lot to do and get done in order to ensure that we can start our school year off…

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Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials In theaters September 18, 2015

Mark your calendars and make a date for the theater release of the new movie, Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials which will be hitting theaters on September 18th!

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Snacking with Litehouse Opadipity Greek Yogurt Dips

In my house, I like to have various snacks on hand. Giving us options for when we head out for a day at the beach, or for when we have friends over and are entertaining…

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#Giveaway Calendars for the New School Year from

With the new school year upon some of us and quickly approaching for others, I find that aside from the chaos we might find with getting everything into place for the new school year, we…

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