Warner Bros. Home Entertainment provided me with a free copy of the DVD I reviewed in this Blog Post. The opinions I share are my own.
When it comes to the movies and shows we enjoy in the home, we like to have a variety on hand. This allows us to not only have a selection to enjoy on our family movie nights but also have some on hand that my husband and I can enjoy watching after the kids go to bed. And like many, we have enjoyed the various shows that come on The CW. So when we were sent Arrow: The Complete Fifth Season to review, I was excited to check it out and add to our collection of shows that my husband and I enjoy watching together!
In this season, you pick up where Season 4 left off, giving Arrow fans the storyline continuation that we all enjoy following. You find Oliver Queen, as the new mayor not only fighting to create a better city but also against the evil that lurks over Star City. He and his team soon learn that they are not the only vigilantes in the town either, and find that after his public defeat of Damien Darhk, a whole new league of masked heroes have stepped up to help defend the city. Though their intentions are good, this new group of heroes find that their inexperience can cause a lot of issues, and also causes the Green Arrow to have to find ways to work around the mayhem they are creating. Oliver also finds himself facing a new evil, which is one that makes him rethink everything and question who he is. We found this season to be a great addition to our Arrow collection and also a great way to recap Arrow anytime we want! Making Arrow: The Complete Fifth Season a great choice to go with to add to your Arrow collection and to get any Arrow fans out there!
I have a saw of few of these but not a regular watcher. My niece and her family love the show and have a lot on DVD
There are so many shows I'd like to watch but can't fit them in. This show looks like a binge-watch! 😉