Home » #AdventurerAbby Adventures Delivered with Adventure Abby

#AdventurerAbby Adventures Delivered with Adventure Abby

When it comes to adventure and exploration, especially with the subject of science, my daughter finds excitement in the idea and the possibilities. She likes being able to explore by experimenting, and as a parent, I enjoy finding ways to encourage her curiosity when it comes to science and even experimenting along with her. So when we were sent a Adventure Abby Subscription Box to review, I not only saw it as a great product to give to my daughter, but also one that will make for a great activity for us to do together!

I like that when the box arrived, we opened it to find all of the ingredients and tools we would need to take on the experiment at hand. In the box, you not only find the ingredients, but also the safety tools and the instructions that not only lead to the conclusion of the experiment, but also lead to the next story and adventure. Another plus I found that when it comes to the experiment that is in the box is, it not only keeps girls captivated throughout the entire span of the project, but it also makes it so families can enjoy it together which in all helps to bring enjoyment into the process for everyone Making the anticipation of the next adventure in next months box one that we can both look forward to each month.

So if you have a daughter aged 6-9, and if you want to find a great way to make science and exploration fun for her and even for you, then check out the Adventure Abby Subscription Boxes and start your daughters adventure today!

Product received, thank you to Adventure Abby as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.

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