When it comes to the shows my kids like to watch, one that my daughter enjoys watching is Adventure Time. So like many other Adventure Time fans out there, my daughter likes to add the seasons to her collection. To help with adding to her Adventure Time collection we were sent the Blu-Ray, Adventure Time Fifth Season to review.
On this Blu-Ray we get 52 Adventure Time episodes which include:
1. Finn the Human
2. Jake the Dog
3. Five More Short Graybles
4. Up a Tree
5. All the Little People
6. Jake the Dad
7. Davey
8. Mystery Dungeon
9. All Your Fault
10. Little Dude
11. Bad Little Boy
12. Vault of Bones
13. The Great Bird Man
14. Simon and Marcy
15. A Glitch Is a Glitch
16. Puhoy
17. BMO Lost
18. Princess Potluck
19. James Baxter the Horse
20. Shh!
21. The Suitor
22. The Party’s Over, Isla de Señorita
23. One Last Job
24. Another Five More Short Graybles
25. Candy Streets
26. Wizards Only, Fools
27. Jake Suit
28. Be More
29. Sky Witch
30. Frost & Fire
31. Too Old
32. Earth & Water
33. Time Sandwich
34. The Vault
35. Love Games
36. Dungeon Train
37. The Box Prince
38. Red Starved
39. We Fixed a Truck
40. Play Date
41. The Pit
42. James
43. Root Beer Guy
44. Apple Wedding
45. Blade of Grass
46. Rattleballs
47. The Red Throne
48. Betty
49. Bad Timing
50. Lemonhope (1)
51. Lemonhope (2)
52. Billy’s Bucket List
*Special Feature:
- Exclusive Behind the Scenes Featurette
Making the new Adventure Time the Complete Fifth Season on Blu-Ray or DVD a must have to add to any Adventure Time collection, and you can bring your copy home when it comes available on July 14th, 2015!!
Product received, thank you to the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
I haven't watched this show, but I'm curious why so many adults love it. I've gotten a few items from it in my Nerd Block subscriptions, and the dog looks cute. I'll have to check this out one day.