We love hosting get-togethers at our house and one that we really look forward to hosting each year is the Super Bowl. This year we have compiled a menu that is sure to satisfy our crowd of sports fanatics, and in that menu we have added the Sweet Cinnamon SUPERPRETZELS! I love how easy these pretzels are to prepare and I also love how, out of all of the items we put out, they always get eaten! To help with our Super Bowl menu preparations this year, we were sent some of the SUPERPRETZEL Sweet Cinnamon flavor to review.
With these pretzels that are filled with soft, sweet dough then topped with sweet sugar and cinnamon, I know that they are sure to be a hit at this years Super Bowl party!! On top of adding the Sweet Cinnamon pretzels to our list of foods, we will also be adding some of the other great flavors from SUPERPRETZEL! So while you are getting your menu together, add some SUPERPRETZELs to the mix and make your party a hit with everyone!!
This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.
These look YUMMY! I'll have to watch for them at the supermarket!tamilynn59@yahoo.com
Those look awesome, especially with the ice cream.
It's cold. I could go for a warm pretzel right now.