These days, it seems that every time I turn around the kids are finding new apps and downloads that they are putting on their iPad or Laptop. The thing is, like most parents out there, I want to make sure that these apps and such that my kids are going to are safe. I know that one of the biggest things that my kids go to is YouTube, and I do worry about them seeing content that may be inappropriate for them. They might put in a search and pull up something that was not at all what they meant to find, then if they go to that video, then they have been exposed to something that I did not want them to see. Both my son and daughter love to go on YouTube, but my husband and I have to monitor what they do on there very closely, and even with us sitting right there, things that we do not want them to see can pop up from time to time. Well recently I was given the chance to review a great site that my kids have been really having a blast using. It is called Kidobi. When I first went on it, I went to set up the account and kinda look over the site myself to make sure that it was something that both of my kids might enjoy. On the site I was able to set up two accounts under my master account, that way Robert could have one and Estrella could have one. The reason for this is so that Robert could add the videos that he liked into his account then Estrella could do the same in her account. I love that when my kids login they can look up what age group or what kind of videos they are wanting to watch, then browse through the ones on Kidobi, and my husband and I do not have to worry about them being inappropriate! Estrella really loves to draw, and on the site she has found a series of videos from a guy that teaches kids her age how to draw a variety of things, like planets and stars, and even ice cream trucks. Then Robert loves animals and he has found numerous videos with animals that interact and ones that he can learn from as well. We have all enjoyed being able to use the Kidobi site and even though Wyatt is only a baby, he has enjoyed some of the videos with music and colors in them! So if you are a parent and you have kids age 2 to 6 who love to go online and watch videos, then you are going to want to head on over to Kidobi, where you and your kids can stream and watch online videos safely! You can also follow Kidobi on Facebook where they have awesome Giveaways going for their fans!!!
This post was sponsored by ChildsPlayPR and Kidobi. I am part posting as part of a Blog Ambassador Program. All opinions are my own.
We have to check this site out because it sounds perfect for my grandson. He too, loves YouTube and we go through the same thing with him. Going to tell my daughter about this one today so she can check it out for him. Thanks for the info!
You are so right. It is so hard to keep kids from NOT wanting to go and watch videos and impossible to screen them all so Kidobi is the perfect problem solver. I have a 3 year old great-niece and I will be telling my nephew about Kidobi.
sounds really cool! my kids are way into these kind of sites/apps
this would be great for my daughter she would like this