Home » #ad Lola's ABC Party App For Kids

#ad Lola's ABC Party App For Kids

Like many parents who are out there with small children, I am constantly trying to find products and apps on the market that are going to help my child with their development. There are so many avenues to look into when thinking of your child’s development, and what you as a parent or a caregiver should be doing to help feed that development. I mean, with Robert, he will be entering into Kindergarten this coming school year. For me, it is both a sad and a joyous time. He is my baby and I am going to be sad to see and know that he is growing and that he will not need me to be there for every little thing, but at the same time, I am so happy to know that he is ready and that he will be excited to start a new journey. I love to be able to engage with my kids, from the time they are born. And while they are home with me, well I feel it is my place to teach them and show them what they need to know and prepare them for school. So, Robert and I love to go on and find and try out new apps all of the time. When we find upcoming apps like Lola’s ABC Party, where there are lots of fun games that Robert can engage in and at the same time will be learning with, well then I find the mission of finding the apps to be completed!

There are so many apps available from the Lola Panda line, and with Robert, he loves finding the apps that have more that he can get into. He loves being able to find a line of apps, just like the Lola Panda line of apps, where there are characters that he can play with and learn with, from math skills to reading skills. I know that when we get the great apps from the Lola Panda Educational Games Apps, Robert will be having fun and learning all at the same time! What is even better is that on Thursday, there will be a new release of the new gaming app, Lola’s ABC Party, and the anticipation of its release is exciting for Robert. Just watching the trailer made him excited to try out the new game. He has loved learning his ABC’s and one thing that we need to work on for Kindergarten is writing his ABC’s, and I love that in this new app from Lola Panda, they will be having some writing skills added into the games, which is just a great added extra for me! So if you have a little one in the house, and you are looking for some great new apps then check out the great line of apps from Lola Panda, also keep your eyes open for the release of Lola’s ABC Party App which will be coming out on Thursday! Below is a sneak peak of app for you to view!

For Lola’s ABC Party App in Google Play go here and for the App in iTunes go here

This was a sponsored post. I was compensated for my time, all opinions are my own. Thank you to the PR company for sponsoring this post.


  1. Robin Wilson
    July 3, 2013 / 10:28 pm

    I do so appreciate you doing the leg work researching ~ reviewing ~ then passing on these apps. I wouldn't know where to begin, but I do know that this will be great for my great-niece!

  2. rosie
    July 8, 2013 / 1:32 am

    I to always search for educational apps for my 4yr old for her to learn when she is home instead of always watching tv thanks so much on the review I will definitely check this out

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