Home » #ad The Good Wife On CBS: Which Team Are You On?

#ad The Good Wife On CBS: Which Team Are You On?

This post is sponsored by the Role Mommy Writer’s Network. 

If you are a fan of the CBS hit show, The Good Wife, then you know about the tension that has been building up. The Good Wife is currently in its fifth season, and Sunday October 27th will be the fifth episode of the season. There has been a lot going on, and like many others out there, I am on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what will happen next! Well, Sunday’s episode is properly named, “Hitting The Fan”, and after everything that has happened thus far leading up to this episode, I find the name to be very suiting. If you have been following along, you know that the tension has been building up, and Alicia is planning to leave Lockhart Gardner to start up a new firm. The trailer for the upcoming episode can be viewed here, and if you are thinking what I am thinking, things are starting to get really good!!! After everything she has been through, from her husbands explicit scandal, to her taking charge of her life and moving forward trying to manage her life, her career, her kids and her name as the First Lady of Illinois, I always wonder, what she will be able to take on next. Standing by her husband’s side, even after everything they have been through, and after the feelings she has felt for Will, Alicia is taking on the challenge of starting her own firm with Cary and Kalinda. Not sure if Kalinda will be joining Alicia and Cary, but I guess we will watch and see! There will be a battle for clients, and this will put the two firms into groups, whose team are you on? To build up the anticipation for this weeks episode, until Sunday, join in the conversation on here and on Twitter using the Hashtag #TheGoodWife and let everyone know which team you are on, Team Lockhart/Gardner or Team Florick/Agos!!

This post is sponsored by the Role Mommy Writer’s Network. All opinions are my own.
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  1. Courtney B
    October 25, 2013 / 4:16 am

    I can't pick a team!! agggh such a tough decision… I just cant do it…

  2. Pam L
    October 26, 2013 / 5:05 am

    Team Florick/Agos Team for sure

  3. slehan
    October 26, 2013 / 6:48 am

    Since I don't have a TV and have never seen the show it wouldn't be fair for me to just guess. So I won't.slehan at juno dot com

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