Home » #ad #franchising Are You One Who Is Looking Into Starting Your Own Business?

#ad #franchising Are You One Who Is Looking Into Starting Your Own Business?

This is a sponsored post. Thank you to the PR group for sponsoring this post.

In today’s world, there seems to be more and more opportunities out there when it comes to starting your own business. From the small side business’s that you can do to supplement your income to the franchises you can run, making it your full time job to run and operate. It really depends on what you are looking for and how you are going to go about the venture. I like that not only are there options out there to choose from, and the options are open to just about anyone who is ready to take that step, especially for women. Recently, there was a pole conducted on 1000 people who have a net worth of over $200,000, who were looking into starting their own business. Of the 1000 people, 56% of them were looking into starting their own business within the next 12-18 months with either a business partner or by themselves. In this group of people, 25% were females who were looking into starting their own business and 56% of the people who were looking to start their own business, are planning on going into business with a partner. For me personally, I know that if I were looking on going into business for myself, I would choose to go into business with a partner, and that partner would most likely be my husband, so when I saw that 31% of the people who were planning on going into business with a partner, would plan on going into business with their spouse or domestic partner, I could relate.

As far as the others who said that they would go into business with a partner, 30% said that they would go into business with a friend, and 26% would go into business with a colleague. I can understand that if you have a friend or you know someone that you have had a good working relation with in the past, that you can trust, then this would be a ideal plan for some. So when I saw after looking at the numbers, that females are more likely to go into business with a spouse or domestic partner than males, it made sense to me. 

From the chart above, and looking at the numbers, I guess I can say that I was not too surprised to see that the numbers for family members, like siblings, parents or kids as well as other relatives, was a lot lower. I know that when you go into a business for yourself, if you choose to go into the business with a partner, you want to make sure that the partner is trustworthy and that is someone you can see yourself working along side with in a professional way, and not have to worry about too much head butting. Aside from the options on who you will go into business with and how you will go about choosing that person, I find that looking into the franchise options that are out there to also be important, because if you are going to invest in a franchise you are going to want to find one that has proven results, like the Super Cuts Franchises. With the Super Cuts Franchise, you do not have to be a beautician to run it, you just have to run the business aspect, then hire the professional hair stylists to run the floor. So when you are looking into your options, keep Super Cuts in mind, knowing that they are a proven successful business, even when the economy is not strong, and make the right decision! 

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Thank you to the PR group for sponsoring this post!
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  1. Rose-Marie
    December 3, 2013 / 4:03 pm

    Nowadays, many people are going into business. I think many magazines over-glamourize it, in that it is still very risky. One thing that can be helpful is if instead of a husband/signifcant other team go into biz together, if one of them has a fairly stable job with benefits. Then sometimes that person will later join the biz, if it turns out to flourish. Many older people can't obtain a job at all, often turn to going into biz. A franchise is a great way!

  2. Ray Haiber
    January 28, 2014 / 4:33 pm

    Historically franchising has been a proven way to reduce some of your risks when starting a a new business. However, buyers should still do serious due diligence before moving forward as all franchises are not created equal and there is no way to eliminate risk completely when starting any business. If you find a particular franchise concept you feel might be a good fit for you I would advise contacting existing franchisees and ask them to share their experiences with you and if they would do it all over again. If you are seeking to research top rated franchise for sale in the USA and beyond visit: http://www.topfranchisesusa.com

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