Home » Accessorize This Season With Scunci

Accessorize This Season With Scunci

When it comes to style and accessorizing, well Estrella and I are all about looking our best and accessorizing! One of the main things that we find a must have when it comes to the accessories is the hair. Estrella especially, she loves to add clips and headbands to her hair to help her stand out. I mean, with a name like Estrella, which means Star, you cant help but stand out! Recently we were sent a great pack of accessories which Estrella found to be perfect for her summer wardrobes, from Scunci!

My Estrella loves to shine, she loves bling, and when she saw the assortment of accessories from Scunci that we were sent, well I did not even get a chance to get a claim on any of them. She right away took them all and began deciding on what she would wear them with and how she would wear them. Estrella loves headbands, and she has found the headband that we were sent to be her favorite accessory! She says that it is because it is easy to use as a accessory and the colors go with just about anything! So this summer when you are looking for those hair accessories to go with your summer wardrobes, then check out the great collections from Scunci! Also, check out the great contest that they have going right now through July 3rd where 10 of their fans will win some great accessories, you can enter by going here!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.

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