Home » Healing Power: Why You Should Start Using These 5 Oils?

Healing Power: Why You Should Start Using These 5 Oils?

oils are concentrated extractions from plants and trees that have great health
and wellness benefits for a wide variety of conditions and ailments.
Healers have used essential oils for
thousands of years
to promote overall health and to aid the body in healing.
However, what they were able to use, basic distillations from plants, is quite
different from the essential oil technology we have today. Now the potency of
essential oils really rivals medicinal strength of some pharmacological
options, but without the nasty side effects.

which essential oils should bring the most bang for their buck? Here are the
top five essential oils for regular use.

Eugenia caryophyllata or clove

you have a toothache, and cannot get to the dentist, your mother or grandmother
may reach for the clove. Its antiseptic properties make it a great option for infections
and killing bacteria. In fact, scientists from Buenos Aires, Argentina found
clove was most effective against E. coli, Staph aureus, and Pseudomonas


powerful antibacterial is eucalyptus oil. Researchers from India have actually
shown the death of Staph aureus, a bacterium common on the skin and hair,
within 15 minutes of encountering eucalyptus. Additionally, it has anti-spasm
properties and may be a good anti-viral agent as well. This is why it is often
recommended as part of steam inhaler treatments for upper respiratory
infections which are often viral.

Boswellia carteri or frankincense

is a reason one of the three wise men brought this to the Messiah in the
Christmas story. As a powerful healer, frankincense as an essential oil has
been successfully utilized in the treatment of digestive issues, immune system
disorders, oral health, respiratory problems, and to reduce stress and anxiety.
The most exciting development comes in the treatment of breast cancer. In the
journal Oncology Letters, a study was discussed which showed the ability of
frankincense to kill the MCF7 and HS-1 cancer cells.

angustifolia or lavender

recommended as a nighttime sleep aid to be sprinkled on pillow cases, lavender
goes well beyond just soothing and calming. Lavender has a great number of
antioxidants, so science
researchers in Tunisia have been
studying its use with treating diabetes
in rats. Their study, published in the journal
Lipids in Health and Disease, showed that lavender was able to significantly
protect against rising blood glucose.

Cannabidiol or CBD

Cannabidiol, as you might guess, is an extract from
the cannabis plant, which has been used in a number of health studies. The
medicinal properties of cannabis are so well-known that many states in the
United States have opened up medicinal marijuana shops and are making use legal
for those suffering from certain ailments. In other areas, people are using
legal forms of the plant, such as CBD oil. Cannabis has been shown to be
beneficial in controlling nausea and pain, reducing stress and anxiety, helping
to control weight, reducing seizures, relieving headaches, and helping alcohol
addicted individuals. The main issue with CBD is making sure it is sourced from
high quality hemp plants correctly.
Cbdoilsuk.com is the finest purveyor
of CBD oils in the UK.

1 Comment

  1. Paul Nelson
    April 23, 2018 / 10:53 pm

    I have been using CBD for a number of years, since 2013 really and always use the same brand in the UK – good CBD Oil

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