When you are a nursing mom you want to be comfortable. More than that you want to be able to nurse and be discreet at the same time. I dont mean by going to the ladies room, out to your vehicle or to a dressing room to nurse your baby when you are in public. Or when you have company, you want to be able to nurse and be discreet but also not be rude by having to excuse yourself for about 20 minutes give or take. The BabyBond nursing accessories are exactly what you need, so you can nurse your baby and remain discreet at the same time without having to go somewhere in private to do it. I was given a BabyBond Couture to test and review. After looking this nursing product over, I know that this would be a perfect accessory for any nursing mother. I know that when I nursed my babies, this would have been perfect. I could have continued to nurse without having to remove myself from where ever I was at to feed my babies. This is a great product for nursing and at the same time being able to keep the eye contact with your baby. After all, when nursing that eye contact is key to the bond you create with your baby! I would recommend that any nursing mother should invest in a BabyBond nursing accessory.
BabyBond Couture™ is adjustable creating a custom fit as your body changes after baby arrives. A hybrid between nursing top and belly band, it can be worn to nurse from the top or the bottom of your shirt so it works with your entire wardrobe. When worn like a sash, it functions like a nursing top. When worn like a belt, it functions like a belly band. Rolls up into self-storing pouch.
100% Cotton. Machine washable.
Made in USA.
BabyBond™ nursing accessories cover mom, not her baby. Mom is able to maintain her modesty. Baby remains uncovered benefiting from the infinite opportunity to make eye contact, interact, and communicate. After all, dining is social.
BabyBond™ iParenting Award winning patented designs are products of Slurp & Burp, LLC
This Product Was a Free Giveaway
Giveaway: One lucky reader will win their own BabyBond!
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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on November 5,2010. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen.
Visit from Thursday blog hop.I'm your follower.Have a nice day.Nanhttp://qualitytime-nan.blogspot.comhttp://beonefineday.blogspot.com
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Thanks! I'm following you back. Cute blog you have :). Hope to see you around at Meatlss Meals For Meat Eaters
I sure wish I had that when I was nursing.My friend is using one right now and she loves it.I am your new follower from Buzz.www.dailyorganizedchaos.com
Great review site. Thanks for the follow. I'm following you, too now. Have a great Thursday!
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