Home » Hydros Bottle (2011 Holiday Gift Guide)

Hydros Bottle (2011 Holiday Gift Guide)

Clean drinking water is something we all look for. When you go for some water, you want water, not everything else that might be in the water. We all know that buying that bottled water constantly is not good for the environment, but when we are on the go, they seem to be convenient and easy to come across. Plus the water in the bottles has already been filtered. For one, the plastic bottles are not good for the environment and two you end up spending more money on bottled water than on the water that comes from our tap that we already pay for. So why not filter that water in a bottle that you can take on the go with you? Well that is what the Hydros bottle is. It is a water bottle that you can take on the go. You can filter the tap water you already pay for through the Hydros filter. Each of the Hydros bottles can filter your water and fill up in about 15 seconds. Each of the filters last for 150 uses or up to 3 months! The filter, filters out that nasty chlorine taste that you can get from your tap water as well as the other bad tasting chemicals. It also filters out those odor causing bacteria! These bottles are also BPA free and dishwasher safe. The bottles are made in the USA which helps the company that manufacture the bottles, reduce their carbon footprint on the world!! Another plus about being made in the USA is that there are Americans who are making these bottles, which in hand is also a plus on our economy!!!! I have been using my new Hydros bottle daily for the past couple of weeks, and I have been very impressed on how good the water tastes and how convenient it is to have around. Now the company that makes the Hydros bottles is not just in it to sell you a water bottle that filters your water. They are also on a mission. They are in the movement to help fight the global clean drinking water crisis. For every purchase, they will give $1 to help with sustainable drinking water projects. There are also these amazing wrist bands you can purchase to help give others clean drinking water. Say if you buy a pack of 5 bands, you can help bring clean drinking water to a family of 5!! So not only can you purchase an amazing drinking water solution for yourself and your family, but you can help others gain access to clean drinking water as well!! Head on over to Hydros today and get your drinking water bottle and see what you can do to help! Also this year when you are doing your holiday shopping, give someone an amazing gift, a Hydros Bottle, and by giving someone on your list the Hydros Bottle you will also give the gift of clean drinking water to someone who needs it!!!


1 Comment

  1. Laura Lane
    November 3, 2012 / 4:16 pm

    This is truly a good idea.

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